Meditation: A tool for stillness in tumultuous times

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This physical practice of yoga (asana) is classically designed to be preparation for meditation. The yoga postures were, and still are, used to release excess energy to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system. In fact, four of the Eight Limbs of Yoga are levels of meditation, and just one limb is the physical practice or the poses.

What is meditation?

In the simplest terms, meditation is being quiet and going within. It’s taking a moment to pause, tune in, and return to your center. It can be as easy as taking three intentional, deep breaths to clear your mind and refresh your thinking.

Why is meditation important for life today? 

We are living in extraordinary times and experiencing big shifts in every area of life, including new levels of stress in our daily lives. These tumultuous times can take a toll on our bodies, minds, and hearts, as well as our overall energy.

With a regular practice of meditation, you can train your brain to respond differently to stress by practicing being still and focusing on quieting your mind. 

When you build this muscle memory of peace and calm within you (even if it’s only a second or two), you can tap into it anytime, especially when you are feeling challenged or stressed. Less stress means more energy for you to use where it really matters to you - like your health, your relationships, and your happiness.

In most classes at BFree, we begin in a short and simple meditation. Know that it’s completely natural for your mind to run and for your thoughts to try to pull you away. The more you return to your focus, like your natural breath or your intention, the more you train the mind to be still and calm. 

In the stillness of meditation, the noise and chatter of life is quieted while you take a break from “busyness” of technology, stimulation, and the constant pull of thoughts in your active mind.

In slowing down and consciously creating a pause, you tap into what is unchanging within you: your center, your inner strength, and your spirit.

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Shelby Autrey