Set your Drishti

With new and more light shining, nature is calling us to awaken and open to the energy of spring. Like nature, yoga teaches us to move with rhythm, focus, and purpose.

Distractions blossom around us and it can be easy to neglect our practice. Now is the most important time to come back to your mat. On the mat, our rhythm is breath and flow. We can learn to infuse greater intention and purpose into our actions with the practice Drishti. Drishti is Sanskrit for “focus.”

Whenever you are ready to grow in a new direction, it’s essential to set out your aim for where you intend to go. First, see clearly and then get into action. Spring is the time to clarify your aim and fortify your focus.

Your focus is essential to establishing your power and building strength and purpose on your mat. Drishti is your physical gaze in yoga, and it’s also your intention or focuses for your overall practice and your higher intentions in life.

When you set your gaze at one point in your practice, you can start to calm your nervous system, hone in on what’s essential in the moment, and awaken your insight from the inside. This allows you to tune-in to your inner guidance and harness what’s flowing within you, rather than being distracted or driven by the stimulation that’s happening all around you. 

In your practice this week, pay attention to how your whole body moves as you utilize your focus and grow your energy. Let your physical gaze be the starting point of your stability, and allow your pose to blossom from there.

The Digital Studio allows you to grow wherever you are now and wherever you’re going. Bring us with you, set your Drishti, and watch the transformation.

Shelby Autrey