5 Tips for Busy Moms to Make Time for Self-Care

A quick Google search for “self-care for moms” brings up suggestions to practice self gratitude, meditation, and yoga. That’s all well and good, but how do busy moms and parents find time for these things? Here are a few tips to get you headed in the right direction and set you up for success.

1.Set intention and make yourself a priority.

Your top priority is the health and wellness of your family, right. You are part of your family. Make your own health a priority and set the intention to devote more energy to it. When you place your own self-care on the same level of your child’s well-being, you will find it easier to make time.

2. Your children can join you in yoga at any age.

From prenatal to tummy time to mommy and me classes and even boding with your teen, there are infinite opportunities to bring your children into your practice. Yoga is as simple as moving your body and tuning into your breath and your kids will always benefit from these two things. Modifications are always there for you, and your practice is YOUR practice so have fun with it and invite your family to join in.

3. Anything is still something.

30 seconds of meditation, 5 minutes of legs up the wall, or a 20-minute flow. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to carve out, there is always time for self-care once you’ve made it your priority. Start small, and figure out what it is that will make you show up for yourself. Get started, don’t make excuses, and remember that any time devoted to your wellness is something.

4. Enlist support.

Lean into your community to help you stay accountable and to yoga with a friend consistently. Get a babysitter to take over for a few hours. Make a plan with your partner to support eachother’s self-care and tag-team responsibilities so that you both have time for yourselves. You’re not alone and you may be surprised to find how willing your neighbor is to help you out if it’s for the good cause of yoga and self-love.

5. Forgive yourself.

Taking a class is not time lost from your children or selfish “you” time. It’s time to give yourself the strength you need to support and vitalize your family. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Recognize what will refill your cup, whether it’s a sweaty firey energizing class or a calming, nurturing flow, both can give you what you need. Life happens, you may miss a class or a month or a year of practice, but give yourself some grace and remember your mat is always there, ready to forgive your absence and welcome you hOMe.

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Shelby Autrey